Monday, February 14, 2011

Andrej Maricic promo face of "Healthy Lifestyle"

"Healthy Lifestyle"
Today, Andrej Maricic was the first and only male as a promo face of the Story magazine champagne "week of healthy lifestyle".
He gave his contribution by performing Thailand yoga.Besides the Andrej, other successful celebrity attended the event. New magazine addition is coming out February 22nd.

Andrej Maricic je postao prvi i jedini muskarac-zastitno lice magazina Story i kampanje "nedelja zdravog zivota".Svoj doprinos dao je prikazivanjem tajlandske joge.Pored Andreja,mnoge poznate dame su ucestvovale u ovoj kampanji.Novo izdanje magazina izlazi 22.febrauara.

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