Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Celebrities were attending magazine Story "Happy Day" event

A protagonist's of a  Story special edition "Fitness and Wellness" Andrej Maricic and Biljana Cincarevic were attending at "Happy Day" event.On Saturday February 26th They joined the team of story magazine readers who participated at body balance, zumba, fitness,yoga and pilate's classes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

For Story magazine:"I ll devote all my time to acting"/ Za Story:Posveticu se glumi

Story magazine
Survivor VIP winner Andrej Maricic has told magazine Story , how his life changed after survivor, aside from that he shared plans what's next for his career,and that he is not coming back as a TV host, all focus will be on acting.
video interview

Pobednik VIP Survivor-a Andrej Maricic rekao je za magazin Story kako se njegov zivot promenio posle "prezivljavanja" i otkrio svoje planove sto se karijere tice.Ti planovi nisu vezani za televiziju vec za glumu.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Survivor VS Farma

style: Peacocks London
Andrej has finished today's shooting on the quiz "Ja volim Srbiju" He was competing with tribe members   from VIP Survivor. New episode's you can see this spring on "Prva TV"

Andrej je danas zavrsio snimanje kviza "JA volim Srbiju".Takmicio se zajedno sa svojim saplemenicima iz Survivora.Nove epizode ovog kviza mozete gledati tokom proleca na TV Prva.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Andrej Maricic promo face of "Healthy Lifestyle"

"Healthy Lifestyle"
Today, Andrej Maricic was the first and only male as a promo face of the Story magazine champagne "week of healthy lifestyle".
He gave his contribution by performing Thailand yoga.Besides the Andrej, other successful celebrity attended the event. New magazine addition is coming out February 22nd.

Andrej Maricic je postao prvi i jedini muskarac-zastitno lice magazina Story i kampanje "nedelja zdravog zivota".Svoj doprinos dao je prikazivanjem tajlandske joge.Pored Andreja,mnoge poznate dame su ucestvovale u ovoj kampanji.Novo izdanje magazina izlazi 22.febrauara.